Volunteer Leadership
The ALS Network's Board of Directors and Advisory Trustees are deeply passionate about our mission and vision. We are extremely grateful to these committed volunteers, who throughout the year, generously share their significant gifts of time, expertise, leadership, compassion, and funding. We appreciate these dedicated volunteers for who they are and what they do to support the ALS community, and to fuel the mission of the ALS Network.
Jared Gill

Simon Wise

Pranjal Shah

Mary Ann Wittenberg

Aubrey Rupinta
Board of Directors

David Buseck

Elizabeth Chaney

Linda Della

Bruce Friedricks

Brenton Hamlet

Justin Ichida

Jonathan Katz, MD

Travis Laferriere-Holloway
Caroline Landry
Joseph Lewcock
Laura Miller
Karen Sutton
Advisory Trustees
Lorraine Barth
Steven Brourman, MD
Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr.
John Chino, ARM-E, ARM-P, CSRM
Jeff Conway
Carol Anne Econn
Joanne "Cookie" Fujio
Robert Hammer
Stacy Inman
Bruce Jugan
Peter Landecker, PhD
Aaron Lazar
Miles McConnell
Sue Morris
Victoria "Nohea" Nakaahiki
Dan Navarro
Timothy Noonan
Chris Olsen, MD
Kathleen Rasmussen
Kathy Shawver-Maffei
Richard Smith, MD
I.H. Sutnick
Philip P. Thomas
Cameron C. Ward, Esq
Lucy Wedemeyer