Walk and Roll to Cure ALS

In Honor. In Memory. In Support.

Join a Walk and Roll to Cure ALS event near you! It's the largest annual gathering of the ALS community, raising funds and awareness that power the ALS Network’s free care services and the search for effective prevention strategies, treatments and cures to end ALS. Unite, take action, and enjoy!

2023 CV Walk Team Photo

Give Help and Hope to the ALS Community!

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These family-friendly Walk and Roll to Cure ALS events will be hosted in nine different locations throughout California and Hawaii.

The Walk and Roll includes wheelchair-accessible routes, an ALS resource fair, entertainment, food, prizes and giveaways, and a Festival Zone with activities for all ages. Your support provides critical funding for essential care services, important public policy initiatives, and cutting-edge research.

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If you are interested in organization-wide sponsorship opportunities for the Walk and Roll to Cure ALS program, or other events throughout California and Hawaii, please contact Asher Garfinkel, Vice President of Community Outreach at agarfinkel@alsnetwork.org or 818.865.8067 ext. 225.

Mark your calendar for the event(s) near you and sign up today—we look forward to seeing you this year. For all inquiries, please contact walk@alsnetwork.org.

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Big Island

Still accepting gifts!

Saturday, August 18, 2024

Central Valley

Still accepting gifts!

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Bay Area Peninsula

Still accepting gifts!


Monterey Bay

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Inland Empire

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Kern County

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East Bay

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Still accepting gifts!

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Los Angeles

Still accepting gifts!

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We invite you to follow our Walk & Roll social account on Facebook and Instagram. It’s a great way to find out more about event day details, receive tips for fundraising success, and learn more about other supporters as we spotlight some of our top teams and sponsors!