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The ALS Network supports permanent Medicare coverage for telehealth services

2024 10 Telehealth

The ALS Network strongly supports permanent Medicare coverage for telehealth services, including audiology and speech-language pathology (SLP) which is set to expire on December 31, 2024. Telehealth has been essential for ensuring that individuals with ALS have access to necessary care such as hearing, speech, and language services.

We are proud to support the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) permanent Medicare telehealth coverage campaign that raises awareness and congressional support for this important issue shared by our communities.

Covering telehealth permanently would enhance access to hearing, balance, speech, language, swallowing, and cognition-related health care services to Medicare beneficiaries. It is critical for  Congress to act now to ensure patients maintain access to the same level of telehealth services they have had since 2020. 

Without action, many individuals will lose access to critical life-enhancing healthcare. We urge you to join us in calling on Congress to make telehealth coverage permanent. To advocate for permanent coverage, please contact your legislators today.

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