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My ALS Story: Remembering Eric, Veteran and Person with ALS

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Every Memorial Day, we reflect on the bravery and courage of the people who have served and sacrificed for our nation. The ALS Network (formerly the ALS Association Golden West Chapter) extends our deepest appreciation to our military heroes and their families, especially those who battled or are living with ALS.

Today, we honor and remember Senior Chief Eric Amador and his inspirational nine year journey with ALS. Here are a few words about Eric from his loved ones:

“Eric served in the US Navy for 26 years, working for both President Bush and President Obama. In October of 2014, Eric was diagnosed with ALS. This battle made our family even stronger, and he traveled the world as an advocate for ALS, fighting to help find cures.” – Toni Amador, Eric’s wife

“Seeing my dad go from walking to being in a wheelchair a year later, it’s really heartbreaking, and I think that it’s really important to speak up for the ALS community.” – Ryann Amador, Eric’s daughter

“Eric has touched the most powerful people in the world, and those experiences prepared him to serve in the White House. He advocated for people, spoke at Stanford, participated in community events like the Central Valley Walk, and is a great dad and patriot. I couldn’t be prouder to call him my friend and mentor.” – Robert Irvine, celebrity chef and talk show host.

Military personnel and veterans are more likely to develop ALS than those who have not served. Visit our website to learn more about our resources for military families who are facing ALS, and other ways that you can show your support.

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