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*CANCELED* Trach and Vent: Connect, Support, Chat

Trach and Vent: Connect, Support, Chat will not meet this month and the next meeting will be in January 2025. Contact Facilitators: Robin Eller, RCP: 661-364-1913 or or Kathleen…

San Luis Obispo: Connect, Support, Chat

San Luis Obispo: Connect, Support, Chat Please contact facilitator Julie Scurich for information on how to participate via Zoom! Julie Scurich, OTR/L. ATP: 831-247-9878;

Monterey Bay: Connect, Support, Chat

Monterey Bay: Connect, Support, Chat Contact Julie for information on how to participate using Zoom! Facilitator: Julie Scurich, OTR/L, ATP: (831) 247-9878;


Bereavement (am): Connect, Support, Chat

Bereavement (am): Connect, Support, Chat An additional time slot has been added for our monthly meeting for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one to ALS. Contact Support Group…