Connection Group
Bereavement (am): Connect, Support, Chat An additional time slot has been added for our monthly meeting for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one to ALS. Contact Support Group Facilitator Daniel Potapshyn, MA at 707-861-0257 or to participate via Zoom!
Connect, Support, Chat: LGBTQ+ All LGBTQ+ people living with ALS and their family, friends, loved ones and allies are welcome to attend this meeting. Some meetings will be general discussion and check-in, and others may feature special guest speakers. This event is open to anyone, regardless of where you live. Please feel free to contact…
Connect, Support, Chat: Bereavement (pm) A monthly meeting for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one to ALS. Contact Support Group Facilitator Daniel Potapshyn, MA at 707-861-0257 or to participate via Zoom!
Living with ALS Under 50: Connect, Support, Chat This group will focus on the special needs and challenges people living with ALS under the age of 50 and families during their ALS journeys. Please contact Emma or Shannan for information on how to participate via Zoom! Facilitators: Emma Karavardanyan, M.A., 747-282-8177 or Shannan Sonnicksen,…
NorCal ALS Community: Connect, Support, Chat will meet at 3:00 PM PST/1:00 PM HST instead of 1:00 PM PST/11:00 AM HST this month and going forward. Please Contact Facilitator: Sara Holiday at or (707) 727-5151 for details on how to participate!
Español: Conéctese, Apoyar, Unase/Spanish Language: Connect, Support, Chat Por favor, comuníquese con Debbie Joy para obtener instrucciones. Please contact facilitator Debbie Joy, MHA for information on how to join using Zoom! Debbie Joy, MHA: 562-741-8138;
All-Hawaii: Connect, Support, Chat Connect, Support, Chat: All-Hawaii Please contact the Director of Care Services, Jennifer Claxton for information on how to participate via Zoom! Facilitator: Jennifer Claxton, or 818-203-9594
South Los Angeles: Connect, Support, Chat Contact Brandon for information on how to participate via Zoom! Facilitator: Brandon Whatley, B.S., OTA 818-699-2280 or
Monterey Bay: Connect, Support, Chat will meet in-person this month at Watsonville Community Hospital. Please contact facilitator Julie Scurich for information. Facilitator: Julie Scurich, OTR/L, ATP: (831) 247-9878;
Ventura/Santa Barbara: Connect, Support, Chat meets online every fourth Tuesday of the month at 4:00 PM PT. The group will meet in person quarterly at Hillcrest Center for the Arts in the community room located at 403 W. Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. Contact Kathleen for information on how to join online using Zoom! Facilitator:…