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ASK ME: ALS from the Caregiver’s Perspective

November 10, 2022 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm EST

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Our next ASK ME educational webinar, “ALS from the Caregiver’s Perspective” is on Thursday, November 10, at 5:00 PM PDT/2:00 PM HST with panelists Trish Rice and Mari Fuentes, former caregivers to loved ones lost to ALS. Ryan Farnsworth, Trish’s son, died of ALS in February 2019 and Anton Maillie, Mari’s husband, passed away in September this year. We are grateful to both Mari and Trish, who have continued to honor their loved ones’ memory by supporting our mission and the ALS community.

Please join the Golden West Chapter, Trish, and Mari as we discuss ALS from the perspective of someone who has cared for a person living with ALS.

Registration info coming soon.