Endure to Cure ALS

Combine your passion for physical challenges and your commitment to finding cures for ALS by participating in an ALS Network endurance activity near you, such as cycling and running events. People living with ALS and their caregivers are always welcome to walk, roll, or just enjoy the special day.

2024 Napa Valley Ride, Walk, & Roll To Cure ALS

Join an ALS Network endurance event near you!! We welcome athletes and non-athletes of all levels of ability. For all inquiries, please contact events@alsnetwork.org.

Participating in an organized Marathon, Triathlon, Swim, Hike, or Cycling Event?

Two People Hiking

Ask us how to raise funds to cure ALS at the same time! Please visit our Create a Fundraiser page to explore opportunities, or or email us at events@alsnetwork.org.

We invite you to follow our Endure to Cure ALS social account on Facebook and Instagram. It’s a great way to find out more about event day details, receive tips for fundraising success, and learn more about other supporters as we spotlight some of our top teams and sponsors!