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ALS Association Fights for Access to RELYRVIO

ALS Association Fights for Access to RELYRVIO-Header

The ALS Association recently sent letters to 43 of the largest insurance companies and health care payers to make RELYVRIO, which was formerly developed as AMX0035 and approved by the FDA for use in the treatment of ALS in September, available and accessible for people living with ALS. It is part of our commitment to improve access to make ALS a livable disease.  

When the FDA approved RELYVRIO it did so for treatment of ALS in adults without exclusions.  

In our letter, we encourage payers to:

  • Provide immediate coverage for RELYVRIO that is consistent with the FDA approved indication and labeling, including in combination where appropriate. 
  • Avoid unnecessary delays in access to RELYVRIO™ caused by prior authorization, fail first/step therapy, or other barriers to access. 

The letter is part of our broader work to not only ensure that safe and effective treatments are approved as quickly as possible, but to also to ensure that people living with ALS are able to access new and existing treatments promptly and affordably.

Make sure you are getting the best available treatments and services for your ALS is by working with the Golden West Chapter of The ALS Association’s care services team and a multidisciplinary care team. These multidisciplinary teams have more experience working with insurers for ALS drugs than other doctors.

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