Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Ten years ago, a seemingly simple act ignited a global social movement. Inspired by three individuals living with ALS, the Ice Bucket Challenge transformed from a lighthearted trend into a powerful force for change.

This grassroots phenomenon captured the world's attention, showing how a community’s collective efforts could fuel scientific research and expand care services for people living with ALS.

Funds from the Ice Bucket Challenge contributed to scientific advancements, including the discovery of new ALS genes and improved understanding of the disease. This August, the ALS Network honors the history and tremendous momentum generated by this extraordinary show of support for the ALS community.

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Let’s continue this progress! We invite you to take action - through advocating, participating, or donating. It makes a difference and brings us closer to the day that we #cureALStogether.

Take the Ice Bucket Challenge 2024!

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The Ice Bucket Challenge took social media by storm in 2014 - and YOU can do it again! The challenge is simple:

1. Take a photo or video of yourself pouring a bucket of ice water over your head.

2. Share the photo/video on social media, be sure to tag us @youralsnetwork on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, and LinkedIn, and challenge others to do the same.

3. Make a donation to the ALS Network!

The Ice Bucket Challenge had an extraordinary impact in raising awareness, research, and services for the ALS community. Today, the challenges faced by people with ALS and their loved ones continue. We encourage people to learn more about ALS, get involved, make a donation today, and challenge others to do the same!

Let’s #cureALStogether!

Ice Bucket Challenges Over the Years

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Our 2024 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge YouTube Playlist

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Historic Highlights from the ALS Network

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2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Founders

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2024 South San Francisco Splash to Cure ALS

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Big Island Walkers Take on the Challenge

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Laura Miller's Ice Bucket Challenge

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Hootsuite's #BeyondtheNest Ice Bucket Challenge

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Partners at MMD Join the Challenge

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The Sy Family Makes a Splash at the Big Island Walk

Do It Yourself Fundraising (DIY)

Anytime, anywhere, you can create a fun and inspirational event, such as an ALS ice bucket challenge, or join an existing event in support of care, cures, and our ALS community.

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Celebrating 10 Years of Progress - Boldly Moving Forward Together


The 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge generated unprecedented support:​

The challenge raised over $220 million worldwide for ALS research and patient care.​

17 million people across 159 countries participated in this challenge, bringing ALS to the forefront of public consciousness, informing millions about the disease and its effects.​

Funds from the challenge contributed to scientific advancements, including the discovery of new ALS genes and improved understanding of the disease's mechanisms.​

Locally - in California, Hawaii, and the US

Over the past ten years, fueled by the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and your steadfast support, the ALS Network has increased our impact and capacity by investing in our mission-critical activities. Some key achievements include:

500% increase
in medical equipment/communication devices loaned free of charge to each year​

36% more
clients and families living with ALS​ served

Creation of the California ALS Registry,
to provide critical information on the incidence and prevalence of ALS

500% increase
in financial grants to families

Multi-year public funding for the ALS Network’s wraparound model of care

50% increase of monthly connection groups meetings

$15M+ invested
in ALS research to support groundbreaking science and moonshot to accelerate therapy development

100% increase
in partnerships with ALS clinics

Significant advocacy efforts at federal and state levels resulting in increased government funding and support for ALS research and care

Ice Bucket Challenge News and Articles

ESPN Feature On Pete Frates

ESPN pays tribute to Pete Frates, his legacy, and impact of the 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

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ALS Golden West Takes the Ice Bucket Challenge to Raise ALS Awareness and Funding!